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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemática, Uso e Conservação da Biodiversidade da Universidade Feederal do Ceará (PPGSIS)

Área do conteúdo

Research Lines


This research line focuses on integrated projects to describe, identify, and classify biological diversity, providing insights into the evolutionary history of living organisms. It emphasizes the description of animal, plant, and microbial biodiversity, particularly in the northern Brazilian Northeast, historically lacking biological information. Research includes systematics and evolution studies of various taxonomic groups, employing morphological, anatomical, macromolecular, cytogenetic, and ecological data to reconstruct evolutionary histories.

This research line comprises three main projects:

– Taxonomic, systematic, and evolutionary studies in plants: This project conducts descriptive, nomenclatural, and hierarchical studies of regional floristic biodiversity. It evaluates vegetation and flora across different Northeastern vegetation types, examining alpha, beta, and gamma biodiversity to understand the historical-evolutionary processes of plant taxa.

– Taxonomic, systematic, and evolutionary studies in animals: This involves taxonomy, systematics, and evolution studies of diverse animal groups. Research methods include descriptive, revisionary, and phylogenetic approaches (morphoanatomical, macromolecular, cytological, etc.) to reconstruct the evolutionary history of animal taxa.

– Microbial taxonomic and functional metagenomics: This research applies molecular biology techniques to study microbial diversity, especially oil-degrading and soil-forming organisms. The aim is to identify efficient strains for environmental remediation and economic purposes.



This research line focuses on prospecting, biodiversity management, and population genetics, addressing the survey, characterization, and utilization of biomolecules and compounds from animal, plant, and microbial biodiversity. It supports conservation initiatives for genetic diversity and addresses environmental challenges.

This research line includes three main projects:

– Prospecting for Bioactive Compounds and their Application in Taxonomic and Systematic Studies: This project involves cytological and chemical analysis of plants, animals, and microorganisms (chemo-diversity). It identifies and characterizes secondary metabolites with medicinal potential, exploring their pharmacological activities and applications in taxonomic and evolutionary studies.

– Biodiversity Management: This encompasses studies on the characterization and impacts of human actions on native fauna, flora, and microbiota. It explores issues related to the identification, use, domestication, and management of biodiversity by local and regional communities, focusing on species of economic, social, cultural, political, and pharmacological interest.

– Population Genetics and Conservation: This project evaluates and organizes genetic diversity within fauna, flora, and microbiota, emphasizing macro and micromolecular characters across species, populations, and communities. Its goal is to establish management and conservation strategies for species and environments.

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